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Full-length text transcript of an oral history interview from the World Within Walls collection. Interview with two local people about the St. Davnet’s Campus in Monaghan town. These interviewees talk about their interactions with the campus and how it was viewed by those on the 'outside'. Interview by Fiona Byrne.
This oral history interview is part of the HSE World Within Walls collection which is archived at the Irish Qualitative Data Archive. The World Within Walls collection relates to the histories and memories of St. Davnet’s in Monaghan town, and aims to remember St. Davnet's history and its evolution from District Asylum in 1869, to psychiatric hospital and to its present role as a modern community mental health services campus.
Access to this interview transcript is through application to the Irish Qualitative Data Archive and is restricted to bona fide researchers and teachers, and to students who are currently registered at a third-level academic institution. To access this archive please complete an access request (use the Request Access option on the DRI or contact the Irish Qualitative Data Archive directly). A small collection of audio clips from the oral history interviews is openly available to the public, see the sub-collection Audio Clips from Interviews.