Growing Up in Ireland (GUI) is the national longitudinal study of children in Ireland, launched in 2006. It is carried out by the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) and Trinity College Dublin (TCD). It is funded by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) and overseen by DCYA in association with the Central Statistics Office.
The main aim of the study is to describe the status of two representative samples of children in Ireland and how they are developing in the current social, economic, and cultural environment. This information will be used to inform Government policy in relation to children, young people and families.
The study incorporates a mixed methods approach, combining both quantitative and qualitative methods, to gain a holistic understanding of children’s lives in Ireland. The first phase of the study extended over seven years and followed the progress of two groups of children: 8,500 nine-year-olds and 10,000 nine-month-olds.
Qualitative interviews supplemented the main survey data collection at the first waves of the Child and Infant Cohorts (ages 9 years and 9 months respectively).
The data in this collection are from the 120 families of the 9-year-olds cohort who participated in the GUI qualitative study.
All data is anonymised. Names included in the titles of objects are pseudonyms.