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The Asset
This dataset contains details of six radiocarbon dates from organic materials obtained from a single excavation, which were obtained as part of the archaeological mitigation of the N81 Ballinacarrig Roundabout project. The samples were radiocarbon dated (AMS) by the 14Chrono Centre radiocarbon dating laboratory. The dataset contains information on the archaeological or sedimentological context of each sample dated, their measured radiocarbon age and calibrated date ranges. The majority of the dates (5 no.) derive from charred seeds, the other derive from unburnt animal bone. The dataset contains the following categories of data: road project information, excavation registration number, locational information, sample identifications and descriptions, archaeological context descriptions and interpretations, group interpretations, radiocarbon dating laboratory and date identifications, radiocarbon measurements and errors, calibration results, calibration dataset references, a permalink to each final excavation report, and links to PeriodO. The six-figure grid references provided are for the centroid of the excavated area. At a number of sites multiple cuttings or excavation areas were investigated, in these cases the grid reference provided is for the centroid of the combined areas.
The Project
The N80 Ballinacarrig Roundabout project involved construction of a roundabout on the N80 national secondary route and the realignment of a local south-east of Carlow town, Co. Carlow. The project was 0.4 km long, it was located in Ballinacarrig townland. In total 0.2 hectares were acquired for construction, of which 0.18 hectares were greenfield (i.e. undeveloped agricultural land). Ballinacarrig church and graveyard (Sites & Monuments Record ref. nos. CW007-025001 and CW007-025002) was located along the southern boundary of the project. Geophysical survey (licence no. 03R0010) was undertaken by GSB Prospection in Dec. 2003. Archaeological assessment and mitigation services were undertaken by TVAS Ireland Ltd (TVAS). TVAS completed test excavation (licence no. 12E0363) of the lands acquired for construction in Jul. 2015. Test excavation led to the identification of previously undocumented archaeologically significant features extending across most of the area acquired for construction. These remains were fully excavated in Aug. - Oct. 2015 (licence no. 12E0363). Excavation revealed features associated with activity on the site dating from the Iron Age to the post-medieval period, including an annular Iron Age ring-ditch, part of an early medieval curvilinear enclosure ditch and cereal drying kilns, late medieval field boundaries, pits and a kiln, and post-medieval agricultural features.