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This report comprises the final results of the archaeological excavation of Site 42-44, Ask townland, Co. Wexford. Work was undertaken as part of the archaeological mitigation programme for the proposed N11 Gorey to Arklow Link Road Scheme. Excavation was conducted under Ministerial Direction No. A003/020, (Registration No E3502) by Paul Stevens, for Valerie J Keeley Ltd, from 27th June to the 12th October 2005. Excavation revealed prehistoric archaeological activity uniformly spread across the excavated areas, but concentrated in two complexes, comprising a possible Early Neolithic structure, two Late Neolithic timber circles, four Bronze Age ring-ditches and one ring-barrow, one possible Four Poster structure, two pit clusters and postrow alignments, a number of flat cremations, Standing Stone, and one Iron Age ringditch. Activity was intermittent, commencing with an Early Neolithic clearance and structural phase, before a hiatus, returning for concentrated monumental phases of activity in the Late Neolithic, and again in the Middle/Late Bronze Age with some limited funerary activity in the Iron Age. An early medieval phase consisted of the cremation burial and construction of a monumental landscape including one (possibly-two) possible-funerary enclosure(s) and a boundary ditch of unknown function. Some upstanding trace of the site remained into later periods. Excavations at Ask produced an extremely large assemblage of 3300 lithic and worked stone artefacts, of pre-dominantly flint, but also chert, quartz, quartzite, dolerite rhyolite, granite, slate and sandstone, the majority Late Neolithic/Bronze Age knapping debris. Plus c. 414 sherds of prehistoric pottery, mainly Bronze Age domestic and funerary wares, Late Neolithic Grooved Ware and also some Early Neolithic Carinated bowl fragments. A pale blue glass bead was also recovered from the Iron Age ring ditch and a 8-10th century AD gold-gilded copper alloy mount. All archaeological work is now complete for this site and this report constitutes the final report on this excavation. A digital copy of the archive is available at the post excavation offices of Valerie J Keeley Ltd., Brehon House, Kilkenny Road, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny. The original paper archive for this excavation will rest with the Department of Arts, Heritage, and the Gaeltacht.