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Photograph of the right side of stone axe (ISAP 03687) from Mweeloon, Co. Galway, from the National Museum of Ireland (NMI 1936:1888). Macro-ID - Shale. Micro-ID - Shale Ia. Petrology - Dark grey fine grained parallel laminated shale. Description - Sides - Both polished towards blade. Right flattened towards blade, rounded and pecked in centre, upper portion missing. Left has a small extant portion towards the blade, which is flattened. Junction of sides with edge clear on left, damaged on right. Edge - Heavily chipped in centre, both faces. Minor chipping on both sides, both faces, but still sharp. Slightly sinuous in profile. Blade Area - Well defined blade area on Face 1, partially defined on face 2. Clear junction Face 1, right side. Irregular narrow band of polish extending up from edge on both faces, 6-14 mm wide. Faces - Irregular diagonal break across long axis of the axe. Both faces flattened. Area of pecking on centre of right side extends onto both faces. Butt - Missing. No distinct striae. Core taken from lower portion of Face 1. Dimensions (length x width x thickness) - 12.3 cm, 6.7 cm, 2.1 cm, 226g.