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This final report presents the results of archaeological investigations carried out on behalf of Kildare County Council and the National Roads Authority as part of Archaeological Services Contract No. 4 ? Resolution, Prumplestown to Powerstown, prior to the commencement of construction on this section of the N9/N10 Kilcullen to Waterford Scheme: Kilcullen to Powerstown. The work was undertaken under National Monuments Section Registration Number E2583, in the Townland of Busherstown, Co. Carlow. The Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, following consultation with the National Museum of Ireland, directed that Áine Richardson of Headland Archaeology Ltd should proceed with archaeological resolution. The report was written by Gerry Breen who supervised work at the site and T.J. O’ Connell (Deputy Site Manager) as Ms Richardson was no longer employed by Headland Archaeology Ltd during the post?excavation phase of the project. Archaeological testing carried out under the N9/N10 Kilcullen to Waterford Scheme: Kilcullen to Powerstown; Archaeological Services Contract No. 3 – Test Excavations, Prumplestown to Powerstown under Ministerial Direction Number A021/025 on this site on the 27 July 2005 identified a fulacht fiadh trough and a possible Bronze Age burial (Gleeson 2005). Full archaeological resolution was conducted on this site between 26 January and 17 February 2006. This confirmed the presence of a trough and revealed additional prehistoric activity in the form of a number of discrete clusters of features. The possible Bronze Age burial identified during the testing phase could not be correlated with any of the features excavated during the resolution phase.