Repeal the Eighth and Reproductive Rights Interview with Clare Cullen-Delsol
The interviewee is a woman in her mid-thirties. During her third pregnancy, her foetus was diagnosed with a fatal foetal syndrome. Due to financial constraints, she was unable to travel abroad for termination. In this interview she talks about her experience of having no other option but to carry her dying baby in her womb until week 26, when the baby eventually passed naturally and was delivered. She speaks of the lack of services providing mental health and family support for people going through difficult pregnancies like her. Following this life-changing experience, she became involved in campaigning for abortion rights with Terminations for Medical Reasons (TFMR). She also talks of TFMR’s decision not to formally join the Together for Yes umbrella while continuing to support the national movement for abortion rights, and discusses TFMR’s use of social media to highlight issues related to foetal abnormalities as one of many reasons to remove the Eighth Amendment from the Irish Constitution and allow women to make dignified choices around their pregnancies.