Repeal the Eighth and Reproductive Rights Interview with Sarah Monaghan
The interviewee is an Irish female activist who was spurred into grassroots mobilization for choice following the Ms Y case. She joined the Abortion Rights Campaign (ARC) in 2014 and worked with the Abortion Rights Campaign’s regional groups as a representative for partnership and outreach, and was a co-convener of ARC during the 2018 referendum. She talks about the early stages of the Abortion Rights Campaign group formation across Ireland, and her role in helping various groups to navigate this process and in delivering training in order to ensure that the Abortion Rights Campaign’s founding principles were upheld and well projected in the media. In terms of organising, she reflects on the lack of capacity that limited regional engagement in the initial phases of the Together For Yes, but was later rectified, to some extent, thanks to the support of a large number of volunteers who became involved when the campaign gained momentum. Topics also discussed include: Skype, inter-organization conflict, campaign messaging