Repeal the Eighth and Reproductive Rights Interview with Paola Rivetti
The interviewee is an Italian female migrant in her 30s. She talks about her experience of activism in Italy prior to becoming involved in pro-choice campaigning in Ireland with MERJ. She talks about her difficulties in finding a way to become close to the Abortion Rights Campaign. While being very critical of some aspects of the campaign, particularly her belief that the campaign tended to erase migrant women’s experiences, the interviewee recognises its efficacy. She praises the way conflict with pro-lifers was handled by pro-choice activists. She talks about the sense of belonging she felt in Migrants and Ethnic Minorities for Reproductive Justice (MERJ). As a member of MERJ, a grassroots group that, according to the interviewee, felt quite marginalised by the main campaign, she reflects on the position of ‘relative’ power that her organization was afforded by constantly challenging white feminism without fear of consequences. Topics also discussed include: Strike For Repeal