Photographic and Sample Archive and Index of Record Sheets
Each of the volumes in this series contains record sheets documenting the products, events, people or premises associated with KDW. At the beginning of each volume there is an index of the contents.
It is clear from the Index and Record Sheets that there were many items produced by KDW which were not documented other than in these paper records.
Each Index Sheet is headed “Kilkenny Design” and “Photographic and Sample Archive: index sheet”. They identify the KDW section covered by each volume and provide the KDW section reference number or code. In addition to providing a record number and a very short description for each record the index sheets also include a matrix of possible documentation which may exist for each of the identified record numbers under the following headings:
• Slide(s)
• Contacts
• Col prints (colour prints)
• B+w prints (black and white prints)
• Trans. (transparencies)
• Negs filed (negatives filed)
• Samples
• Pres. Sheet (presentation sheets)
• Tech. drg (technical drawings)
The Index Sheets are a guide to both the individual Record Sheets held in the folder, and provide an overview to the documentation held on particular products, events etc. when the index was created. In some volumes there are discrepancies between the record numbers in the Index Sheets and those for which Record Sheets are actually available. This form of discrepancy sometimes arises when index sheets appear to be missing.
The opening section of the Record Sheet provides space for information under the following headings:
• Section
• Item
• Designer
• Client
• Record number
• Commencement date
• Maker
• Status
The rest of the Record Sheet is divided into separate sections in which information on the photographic documentation is recorded. The section for slides has space for the slide number and a description of the image. The sections for black and white prints, transparencies and colour prints have in addition a space for recording the name of the photographer. There is also a space for information on samples, artwork or prototypes held, though there are none of these in the archive. There are very few design drawings or blueprints in the archive.
There are a number of different versions of the Records Sheets; some appear to be newer versions of older examples. The older examples also make note of whether or not photographic contact sheets are held.