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This Stage (iv) Excavation Report details the results of the archaeological excavation at Attireesh 2 (ITM 500211, 785480) carried out in advance of the construction of the proposed N5 Westport to Turlough Road Project, which extends between the townlands of Westport Demesne and Liscromwell in County Mayo. The site was identified during Stage (i) archaeological test excavations of the proposed N5 Westport to Turlough Road Project (A0069: E004621) undertaken by Archaeological Consultancy Services Unit between August and October 2015. The subsequent excavation was carried out by Joe Nunan from 17–21 October 2016 under Ministerial Direction Number A0069 and Registration Number E004688 issued by the Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, in consultation with the National Museum of Ireland. An area measuring 374 m² was stripped of topsoil and excavated at Attireesh 2. This confirmed the presence of the truncated remains a burnt stone spread (F03). It measured 10.50 m in length (NW/SE), 6.10 m in width (NE/SW), up to 0.20 m in thickness and partially overlay a linear cut (F10) that appeared to be a modern machine-dug feature. It measured 3.95 m in length (NE/SW), 1.10 m in width (NW/SW) and 0.45 m in depth and was also filled with burnt mound material. The site was located in wet marginal bogland and was heavily disturbed by modern land drains. A sample of hazel charcoal (0.1 g) from the burnt mound returned a date of 1211–1012 cal. BC (2910 ± 30 BP, Poz-99257), while a sample of alder charcoal (0.01 g) from the fill of the drain returned a comparable date of 1272–1021 cal. BC (2955 ± 35 BP, Poz-99380), suggesting the site, although now heavily disturbed, had been used for pyrolithicrelated practices during the Late Bronze Age. Another burnt mound was located 25 m to the south-west at Attireesh 1 (E004687) and it overlying at least four troughs, all of which had evidence for a lining in the form of roundwoods, stakes and stones in various combinations (Cleary, Murphy & Nunan 2021). Three Early Bronze Age dates from this site suggested it could have bene in use over a 500-year span. Numerous additional fulachta fiadh in the immediate area were identified and excavated in advance of the Westport Main Drainage and Waste Water Disposal Scheme in the townlands of Attireesh, Gortaroe and Deerpark East, many of which have been scientifically dated to the Late Neolithic into the Early Bronze Age, although one site in the townland of Attireesh (Area 2) had comparable Late Bronze Age dates (Gillespie 2007).