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The earliest evidence for agriculture in Ireland has been dated to the Early Neolithic period, beginning around 4000 BC. From the outset of the Neolithic, previous food procurement strategies—including hunting, fishing and gathering—began to be replaced by plant and animal hu

archaeology | methodology | archaeobotany

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Object Cultivating societies: new insights into agriculture in Neolithic Irelandcover

Intuition, experience and observation are among the ingredients in a successful field investigation. At the outset of a big development project, the field archaeologist uses all three in trying to predict what might be found on the development site. The sources of evidence in

archaeology | site surveys | geophysics

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Object Geophysics, tillage and the ghost ridges of County Galway, c. 1700–1850cover

Fulachta fiadh, or burnt mounds, generally date from the Bronze Age and are one of the most widespread of Irish field monuments, perhaps numbering up to 5,000. Of the 500 or so sites currently entered in the NRA Archaeological Database (www.n

archaeology | analysis and testing techniques | fulacht fia

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Object Fulachta fiadh and the beer experimentcover

Wild animals, birds and fish have been exploited by humans from the time they first settled on this island up to the present day.While animal bone analysis can determine what species were being used, it tells us little about how these animals were actually procured. Early mediev

archaeology | excavation (sites) | hunting

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Object To the waters and the wild: ancient hunting in County Kildarecover

The early medieval period is one for which we have an abundance of archaeological and historical evidence, which has increased in recent years as a result of the national roads- building programme. This has led to a wealth of information that benefits research in all sectors of

archaeology | analysis and testing techniques | archaeobotany

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Object Excavating a meal: a multidisciplinary approach to early medieval food economycover

The type of evidence that archaeologists uncover for Neolithic settlement in Ireland can come in a variety of forms, ranging from small-scale temporary sites to larger, more permanent enclosed landscapes such as the Céide fields in County Mayo. Neolithic buildings form

archaeology | excavation (sites) | dwelling

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Object A fixed abode: Neolithic houses in County Carlowcover

Archaeological investigations in advance of the N8 Cashel–Mitchelstown Road Improvement Scheme identified 57 previously unrecorded sites that ranged in date from the Early Neolithic period (4000–3600 BC) to the post-medieval period (AD 1550–present). The majorit

archaeology | excavation (sites) | dwelling

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Object Hearth and home: Bronze Age structures in south Tipperarycover

Archaeology is the study of past human life, society and culture through the investigation of surviving material remains. This is an evolving process of discovery, data retrieval, data analysis, the creation of hypotheses, and ultimately the development of theories or co

archaeology | analysis and testing techniques | three-dimensional

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Object Reconstructing prehistoric and historic settlement in County Corkcover