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Letter informing Mrs. J.R. Clegg that Mr. J.B. Thorp, the Model maker, is requesting payment, now that the Model of the Irish National War Memorial has been delivered. Letter encloses Thorp's account, which amounts to a total sum of £443-10s. Includes Lutyen's original signature

20th century | World War, 1914-1918 | Irish National War Memorial

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Object Letter from Sir Edwin Lutyens, R.A. 17 Queen Anne’s Gate, Westminster, S.W.1 to Mrs. J.R. Clegg, M.B.E. J.P. Room No. 7 102 Grafton Street, Dublin.cover

Letter acknowledging receipt of payment to model-maker Mr. J.B. Thorp. Lutyens adds that ‘I am very glad to know that President Cosgrave has inspected the Model and likes it.’ Letter includes Lutyens original signature and is counter-signed by Albert J. Thomas.

20th century | World War, 1914-1918 | Irish National War Memorial

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Object Letter from Sir Edwin Lutyens, R.A. 17 Queen Anne’s Gate, Westminster, S.W.1 to Miss H.G. Wilson, Secretrary, Irish National War Memorial Committee, Room No. 7 102 Grafton Street, Dublin.cover

Letter stating ‘As there are eight books, I [Lutyens] propose placing four books in line on the two side walls of the Book Room….’. Lutyens also puts forward a suggestion from Lady Nugent ‘…asking if some Lime-Stone could be used in connection with the “Garden of Remembrance” as

20th century | World War, 1914-1918 | Irish National War Memorial

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Object Letter [original] from Sir Edwin Lutyens, 5 Eaton Gate, London S.W.I to Miss H.G. Wilson, Secretary, Irish National War Memorial Committee, Room No. 7, 102 Grafton Street, Dublin.cover