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Black and white photograph of a large group of well-dressed Jacob's representatives standing amongst the trees on the grounds of Birr Castle. The man in the far left is Lawrence Michael Harvey Parsons, 6th Earl of Rosse (owner of the castle). In the centre of the photograph, to t

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Object Jacob's representatives in the grounds of Birr Castlecover

Black and white photograph of some of the management team from Jacob's Biscuit Factory standing on the steps of Birr Castle with the owners of the castle, the Earl and Countess of Rosse. In the far left is Lawrence Michael Harvey Parsons, 6th Earl of Rosse. Standing on the top of

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Object Earl and Countess of Rosse with Edward C. Bewley and Gordon Lambertcover

Enlarged black and white photograph of Edward C. Bewley (former Chairman of Jacob's Biscuit Factory) handing the Countess of Rosse a tin of Jacob's biscuits at an event held in Birr Castle. In the left of the photograph is Gordon Lambert (former Managing Director of Jacob's).

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Object Countess of Rosse receiving a gift of Jacob's biscuitscover