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Black and white photograph of the female employees from Jacob's Biscuit Factory icing and decorating biscuits in the Jacob's factory on Bishop Street. Photograph is sourced from an article entitled 'The Grocers' Association in Dublin; A Visit to Jacob's Biscuit Factory' from "The

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Object Women icing and decorating biscuits in the Jacob's factorycover

Black and white photograph of employees from Jacob's Biscuit Factory working on big ledgers at desks in the offices of the Jacob's factory on Bishop Street. Photograph is sourced from an article entitled 'The Grocers' Association in Dublin; A Visit to Jacob's Biscuit Factory' fro

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Object Office employees from Jacob's Biscuit Factory working on ledgerscover

Sepia photograph of the female workers at Jacob's Biscuit Factory packing boxes of Jacob's products in the packing loft. Image reference: article entitled 'The Grocers' Association in Dublin; A Visit to Jacob's Biscuit Factory' from "The Illustrograph" newspaper (Volume 5, No. 52


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Object Female workers packing boxes at Jacob's Biscuit Factorycover

Black and white photograph of the bakehouse of Jacob's Biscuit Factory showing the male bakers dressed in their white uniforms and hats and operating the large roller machines. Photograph is sourced from an article entitled 'The Grocers' Association in Dublin; A Visit to Jacob's


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Object View of the bakehouse in Jacob's Biscuit Factorycover

Sepia photograph of a male baker dressed in white clothes handling trays of biscuits at the ovens in Jacob's Biscuit Factory. Image reference: article entitled 'The Grocers' Association in Dublin; A Visit to Jacob's Biscuit Factory' from "The Illustrograph" newspaper (Volume 5, N


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Object Baker working at the ovens in Jacob's Biscuit Factorycover

Black and white photograph of employees from the Jacob's Biscuit Factory working at desks in the factory offices. Photograph is sourced from an article entitled 'The Grocers' Association in Dublin; A Visit to Jacob's Biscuit Factory' from "The Illustrograph" newspaper (Volume 5,

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Object Office workers behind their desks at the Jacob's Biscuit Factorycover