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Ambitions to complete geochemical mapping across the island of Ireland were developed in the 1980s and the first phases began in western Northern Ireland in the early 1990s. Subsequent phases in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland were begun from 2004. The Tellus and Tel

Earth Sciences | Geology | Epidemiology

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Object 3. The Tellus geochemical surveys, results and applicationscover

The Tellus airborne geophysical survey of Northern Ireland was flown in 2005–6 and the Tellus Border survey of the six most northern counties of the Republic of Ireland in 2011–2. Together the two surveys covered a region of approximately 25,000 km2, or 30% of the land surface of

Earth Sciences | Geology | Epidemiology

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Object 2. The Tellus airborne geophysical surveys and resultscover

Foreword, Directors' Foreword, Akwknowledgements.

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Object Prelimcover