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Members of the Maynooth Feminist Society during an impromptu demonstration on the green outside the John Hume Building on the Maynooth Campus in reaction to the defeat of a bill brought to the Dáil in October 2016 to try and widen access to abortion under the 2013 Protection of L

Abortion | Pro-choice movement | Reproductive rights

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Object Suitcase protest photographcover

Katelyn Hanna and Emma Gallagher, members of the Feminist Society, dress up as ‘Repeal Witches’ for a Halloween event in the Maynooth Students Union in 2016. They wore their Repeal sweater and had a cauldron full of bras to play on the ‘bra burning’ feminist stereotype. Emma also

Abortion | Pro-choice movement | Reproductive rights

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Object 'Repeal Witches' photographcover