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An approach for deriving sediment background metal and metalloid element concentrations using systematically collected geochemical survey data is demonstrated in the mineralised area associated with the Ordovician-Silurian rocks in counties Down and Armagh in Northern Ireland. Op

Earth Sciences | Geology | Epidemiology

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Object 23. Stream sediment background concentrations in mineralised catchments in Northern Ireland: assessment of ‘pressures’ on water bodies in fulfilment of Water Framework Directive objectivescover

When an Ireland-wide project to undertake detailed geochemical and geophysical coverage was first discussed at the turn of the 21st century by the Geological Surveys of the UK, the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland and the USA, the original acronym given to it was RESI – the

Earth Sciences | Geology | Epidemiology

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Object 5. Mineral resources and Tellus: the essential balancecover

The Tellus airborne geophysical survey of Northern Ireland was flown in 2005–6 and the Tellus Border survey of the six most northern counties of the Republic of Ireland in 2011–2. Together the two surveys covered a region of approximately 25,000 km2, or 30% of the land surface of

Earth Sciences | Geology | Epidemiology

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Object 2. The Tellus airborne geophysical surveys and resultscover

The Tellus airborne geophysical data sets provide impetus to many new lines of research. The radiometric data, conventionally used for bedrock investigations, have recently been used to support regional mapping of peat extent and thickness, and thus contribute to refining our est

Earth Sciences | Geology | Epidemiology

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Object 19. Soils and their radiometric characteristicscover