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A six-page long rationale produced by The Atlantic Philanthropies’ staff detailing problems to be addressed, how the proposed grantee would address the problem, reasons for recommending support to grantee, negatives and risks of grant, evaluation plans, previous grants a project

Curated collection--Grant documentation | Atlantic Philanthropies (Organization) | Derry Theatre Trust

Object type is text Object type is image   Mixed Types
Object Grant request summary for grantee application G-07446 by Derry Theatre Trustcover

The twelve-page long double-sided brochure describes, illustrates, and promotes The Millennium Complex by Derry Theatre Trust.

Curated collection--Grant documentation | Atlantic Philanthropies (Organization) | Derry Theatre Trust

Object type is text Object type is image   Mixed Types
Object Brochure for The Millennium Complex by Derry Theatre Trustcover

The eighteen-page long proposal by Derry Theatre Trust details the request to The Atlantic Philanthropies for the Derry theatre project, including design and finance in September 1996.

Curated collection--Grant documentation | Atlantic Philanthropies (Organization) | Derry Theatre Trust

Object type is image Object type is text   Mixed Types
Object Application by Derry Theatre Trust for funding from philanthropic donorscover