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This volume contains newspaper and magazine articles and photographs about the following: KDW Designs and Products: - the DUETTE collection, co-ordinating textiles and wallpaper d

Depositing Organisation not Set

Objects (0)
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This volume features newspaper and magazine articles and photographs about the following: KDW Designs and Products: - the national award for the Tidy Towns Competition, a silver

Depositing Organisation not Set

Objects (0)
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Original KDW record number: KG/22/102 KDW record sheet: Yes Client identified as: A Sense of Ireland Files show posters, stationery and catalogue cover for 'A Sense of Ireland' a f

Depositing Organisation not Set

Objects (3)
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Original KDW record number: KG/22/142 KDW record sheet: yes Photographer(s) identified as: C. Dwan Client identified as: PMPA S.G. O'Mordha Files show branding of 'PMPA' across Fue

Depositing Organisation not Set

Objects (10)
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Original KDW record number: KG/22/2041 KDW record sheet: no Brochures, invitation card and promotional material for 'Gold & Silver from Kilkenny'.

Depositing Organisation not Set

Objects (0)
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Original KDW record number: KG22/2034 KDW record sheet: no Photographer identified as Gerry Deegan Client identified as: Rubolf Heltzel Logo for Rudolf Heltzel made up of his initi

Depositing Organisation not Set

Objects (0)
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Original KDW record number: KG/22/128 KDW record sheet: yes Client identified as: Lake Electronics/ Mr. Shay Loftus Slides show logo design for 'Lake Electronics' and its branding

Depositing Organisation not Set

Objects (3)
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Original KDW record number:KG/22/139 KDW record sheet: yes Client identified as: Health Education Bureau Files show symbol/logo design and letterhead for 'Cospoir' the Health Educa

Depositing Organisation not Set

Objects (2)
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Original KDW record number: KG/22/138 KDW record sheet: yes Photographer(s) identified as: Gerry Deegan Client identified as: John England Textiles Files show logo design and brand

Depositing Organisation not Set

Objects (3)
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Original KDW record number: KG/22/132 KDW record sheet: yes Client identified as: Office of Consumer Affairs Slides show stationery design for the Office of Consumer Affairs.

Depositing Organisation not Set

Objects (1)
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Original KDW record number: KG/22/131 KDW record sheet: yes Client identified as: Waterford Co-Op Slides show logo design for Waterford Co-Op and its branding across materials such

Depositing Organisation not Set

Objects (0)
collection cover image