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This collection is a part of PhD project: "Animal Woman Journey(s). Posthuman embodiment of zoomorphic folk tales" based in the Department of Theatre and the Deparment of Spanish,

University College Cork

Objects (13)
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Thomas Noonan was born on 23 December 1891 and lived with his parents Michael and Catherine Noonan together with his four older sisters and two younger brothers at Ballyguy, Barrin

University of Limerick

Objects (14)
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Ordnance Survey letters comprising correspondence between John O’Donovan (1806-1861) and other researchers employed on the survey and OS head office staff. OS Letters exist for 29

Royal Irish Academy

Objects (1197)
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The Name Books were part of the first Ordnance Survey of Ireland conducted between 1824 and 1846. The books served to collect orthographic as well as additional topographic and ob

National Library of Ireland

Objects (248)
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‘Roses from the Heart’ is an international project, remembering 25,566 women sentenced to transportation as convicts from Ireland and UK to Australia and Tasmania (formerly named V

South East Technological University

Objects (85)
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"Film-poems" are creative fragments of poetic text or speech accompanied by video and sound. Film poetry might also be referred to as "video poetry", "digital poetry", "multimedia

University College Cork

Objects (10)
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