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Asylum Archive was established to collaborate with asylum seekers, activists, artists, academics, and immigration lawyers, amongst others, with a view to creating an interactive, d

Digital Repository of Ireland

Objects (44)
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Thomas Noonan was born on 23 December 1891 and lived with his parents Michael and Catherine Noonan together with his four older sisters and two younger brothers at Ballyguy, Barrin

University of Limerick

Objects (14)
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Ordnance Survey letters comprising correspondence between John O’Donovan (1806-1861) and other researchers employed on the survey and OS head office staff. OS Letters exist for 29

Royal Irish Academy

Objects (1197)
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The Name Books were part of the first Ordnance Survey of Ireland conducted between 1824 and 1846. The books served to collect orthographic as well as additional topographic and ob

National Library of Ireland

Objects (248)
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Transcriptions of the Ordnance Survey Memoir Papers done by Angelique Day and Patrick McWilliams. These transcripts were published as a series of 40 volumes in 1990 in partnership

Royal Irish Academy

Objects (24)
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Indexed volume containing handwritten transcripts of all laws and enactments of Ennis Corporation from 1660 to 1810. Each entry is numbered and contains the date, members of the ju

Clare County Archives and Library Service

Objects (1)
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