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On Monday, 11 April, 1966, Irish Independent dedicated its first page to mark the parade honoring the men of 1916, and included special 32 page supplement to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of the Rising.

Ireland--History--Easter Rising, 1916 | Curated Collection--Remembering the Rising | Anniversaries

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Object 'Nation Honors Men of 1916', Irish Independent, 1966cover

An invitation to the ceremonial opening of the Garden of Rememberance, April 11th, 1966. Addressed to Patrick Nevin, who fought at the Four Courts during the 1916 Rising and was later interned at Frongoch. Donated by Nevin's great grand daughter.

Curated Collection--Dublin Collection Day Dec. 09 2015 | Nationalism | Revolutionaries

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Object Invitationcover

50th anniversary arm-band for veterans of 1916. This armband belonged to Patrick Nevin who fought at the Four Courts and was later interned at Frongoch. Donated by Nevin's great granddaughter.

Ireland--History--Easter Rising, 1916 | Curated Collection--Dublin Collection Day Dec. 09 2015 | Internment camps

Object type is image   Image
Object Commemorative arm bandcover