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Hopkins and Hopkins receipt to Irish Transport Workers' Union for the purchase of silver and gold medals. John J. O'Neill was one of the founding members and a general secretary of the the Irish Transport and General Workers Union. He was one of three trustees to the deeds of Li

Ireland--History--Easter Rising, 1916 | Curated Collection--Dublin Collection Day Oct. 31 2015 | Paramilitary forces--Irish Citizen Army

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Object Receipt to Irish Transport Workers' Unioncover

A interment order from David Lloyd George (1863–1945), the British Secretary of State for War in respect of John J. O'Neill, one of the founding members and a general secretary of the the Irish Transport and General Workers Union. He lived at 61 Ballybough Road, Dublin and took p

Ireland--History--Easter Rising, 1916 | Curated Collection--Dublin Collection Day Oct. 31 2015 | Paramilitary forces--Irish Citizen Army

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Object Internment papers for John J. O'Neillcover

Medal presented to John J. O'Neill, one of the founding members and a general secretary of the the Irish Transport and General Workers Union. Presented by the Dublin District Council for his service rendered. He was one of three trustees to the deeds of Liberty Hall. O'Neill took

Ireland--History--Easter Rising, 1916 | Curated Collection--Dublin Collection Day Oct. 31 2015 | Paramilitary forces--Irish Citizen Army

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Object Irish Transport and General Workers' Union Medalcover

Arrest notice issued for Gerald Fitzmaurice on the grounds of his membership of 'an organisation called the Irish Volunteers or an organisation called the Citizen Army, which have promoted armed insurrection against His Majesty...'

Heuston, Seán (John J.) (1891–1916) | Revolutionaries | Curated Collection--Leaders of the Rising

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Object Arrest notice: Gerald Fitzmauricecover

Letter from Seán Mac Diarmada to Tom Stallard from 1914, apologising for not replying to an earlier correspondence.

Ireland--History--Easter Rising, 1916 | Curated Collection--Leaders of the Rising | Revolutionaries

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Object Letter from Seán Mac Diarmada to Tom Stallardcover

General orders for the Irish Volunteers, issued by Patrick Pearse. The orders are accompanied a letter to company captains, requesting that they bring their company into conformity with the scheme. Donated by the family of Michael William O'Reilly, a captain in F Company and

Ireland--History--Easter Rising, 1916 | Paramilitary forces--Irish Volunteers | Curated Collection--Dublin Collection Day Oct. 31 2015

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Object Scheme of military organisationcover

Typed orders issued to the Irish volunteers in April 1915, by T. Slater, Secretary. Handwritten below typed text: 'Next orders Monday April 12'

Ireland--History--Easter Rising, 1916 | Curated Collection--Dublin Collection Day Oct. 31 2015 | Paramilitary forces--Irish Volunteers

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Object Irish Volunteers Orderscover

Ticket stub for Lecture on 'Nationality', by Patrick Pearse. Handwritten on the reverse: '"They have conceived of nationality as though it were a material thing whereas it is spiritual" P.H. Pearse at Waterford Feb. 10th 1916' Donated by the family of Kieran Corbett, who at

Pearse, Patrick Henry (1879–1916) | Ireland--History--Easter Rising, 1916 | Curated Collection--Dublin Collection Day Oct. 31 2015

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Object Ticket stub Lecture on Nationalitycover

Orders from Patrick Pearse to the Irish Volunteers relating to marches during Easter Week 1915. This copy of the arrangements belonged to Michael William O'Reilly, a captain in F Company.

Ireland--History--Easter Rising, 1916 | Curated Collection--Dublin Collection Day Oct. 31 2015 | Paramilitary forces--Irish Volunteers

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Object Easter Arrangementscover

Receipt for ten shillings issued to Captain McGuirk for affiliation to G Company, 1st Battalion. Signed by Michael Collins. The receipt belongs to the family of William Perry. Perry may have been the quartermaster of 1st Battalion. He lived on Usher's Island. He was interned i

Ireland--History--Easter Rising, 1916 | Curated Collection--Dublin Collection Day Oct. 31 2015 | Revolutionaries

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Object Receiptcover

Receipt made out to Captain McGuirk for ten shillings affiliation fee for G Company, 1st Battalion, dated 8th September 1917. Signed by Michael Collins.

Ireland--History--Easter Rising, 1916 | Curated Collection--Dublin Collection Day Oct. 31 2015 | Revolutionaries

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Object Receiptcover

Ticket stub for an raffle to raise money for the construction of the Ashe Memorial Hall, Tralee, Co. Kerry (now Kerry County Museum).

Ireland--History--Easter Rising, 1916 | Curated Collection--Women and the Rising | Curated Collection--Dublin Collection Day Dec. 09 2015

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Object Raffle Ticketcover