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The twenty-six-page long document details the proposal to the Atlantic Philanthropies by The Alzheimer Society of Ireland Counties Programme to promote recognition of dementia by supporting mobilisation of public support and engagement, and to influence service provision towards

Curated collection--Grant documentation | Atlantic Philanthropies (Organization) | The Alzheimer Society of Ireland

Object type is text   Text
Object Funding proposal to The Atlantic Philanthropies by The Alzheimer Society of Ireland in 2012cover

The four-page long document in the layout of a form was produced by staff of The Atlantic Philanthropies. It summarises the application request for grantee project G-21518 titled Voice and Advocacy in Dementia by describing the purpose and details of the grant as well as describi

Curated collection--Grant documentation | Atlantic Philanthropies (Organization) | The Alzheimer Society of Ireland

Object type is text   Text
Object Grant recommendation summary for grantee application G-21518 by The Alzheimer Society of Irelandcover