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Archaeological investigations in advance of the N8 Cashel–Mitchelstown Road Improvement Scheme identified 57 previously unrecorded sites that ranged in date from the Early Neolithic period (4000–3600 BC) to the post-medieval period (AD 1550–present). The majorit

archaeology | excavation (sites) | dwelling

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Object Hearth and home: Bronze Age structures in south Tipperarycover

Archaeology is the study of past human life, society and culture through the investigation of surviving material remains. This is an evolving process of discovery, data retrieval, data analysis, the creation of hypotheses, and ultimately the development of theories or co

archaeology | analysis and testing techniques | three-dimensional

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Object Reconstructing prehistoric and historic settlement in County Corkcover

Camlin 3, c. 3 km south of Roscrea town, Co. Tipperary, was located on the east-facing slope of a natural ridge of high ground that runs from the Devil’s Bit mountain range south-west of Camlin to Roscrea in the north (Illus. 1). The location has commanding views to the east and

archaeology | excavation (sites) | dwelling

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Object Camlin 3: a cemetery-settlement in north Tipperarycover

The site of Mullaghmast, Co. Kildare, was identified as having archaeological potential in the Environmental Impact Assessment for the N9/N10 Kilcullen–Waterford Scheme: Kilcullen to Carlow because of its proximity to a potential medieval castle site (Record of Monuments and Plac

archaeology | site investigation | village

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Object Wining and dining in a medieval village at Mullaghmast, Co. Kildarecover

The study of Ireland’s post-1550 archaeology and history has developed considerably in recent years. Traditionally, the archaeology of this period in Ireland was poorly understood and often underrepresented or simply ignored in excavation reports. In recent years, however, t

archaeology | excavation (sites) | demesne

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Object An 18th-century roadside cottage in Danesfort Demesne, Co. Kilkennycover