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Twenty-page-long transcript of the oral history interview given by Bertus Rima, conducted by the Digital Repository of Ireland as part of The Atlantic Philanthropies archive project (2017-2020) titled Amplifying change: A history of the Atlantic Philanthropies on the island of Ir

Curated collection--Oral histories | Curated collection--Education | Curated collection--Knowledge application

Object type is text   Text
Object Transcript of oral history interview by Bertus Rimacover

Digitised polaroid photograph of the oral history interviewee Bertus Rima who was recorded by the Digital Repository of Ireland as part of The Atlantic Philanthropies archive project (2017-2020) titled Amplifying change: A history of the Atlantic Philanthropies on the island of

Curated collection--Oral histories | Curated collection--Education | Curated collection--Knowledge application

Object type is image   Image
Object Polaroid Photograph of Bertus Rimacover

This thirty-two-minute-long oral history interview was conducted by the Digital Repository of Ireland as part of The Atlantic Philanthropies archive project (2017-2020) titled Amplifying change: A history of the Atlantic Philanthropies on the island of Ireland in 2019.

Curated collection--Oral histories | Curated collection--Education | Curated collection--Knowledge application

Object type is audio   Audio
Object Oral history interview of Bertus Rimacover

A four-page lone rationale produced by The Atlantic Philanthropies’ staff detailing grantee project G-11836 titled International Centre for Research on System-on-Chip and Advanced Micro Wireless Integration [SOCAM]. Headings include Problems to be addressed, how the proposed gran

Curated collection--Grant documentation | Atlantic Philanthropies (Organization) | Queen's University of Belfast Foundation

Object type is text Object type is image   Mixed Types
Object Grant recommendation rationale for grantee application G-11836 by Queen’s University Belfast Foundationcover

The six-page long document was produced by staff of The Atlantic Philanthropies. It summarises the application request for the grantee project G-11836 titled International Centre for Research on System-on-Chip and Advanced Micro Wireless Integration by describing the purpose and

Curated collection--Grant documentation | Atlantic Philanthropies (Organization) | Queen's University of Belfast Foundation

Object type is image   Image
Object Grant recommendation summary for grantee application G-11836 by Queen’s University of Belfast Foundationhas no cover