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Updates on the strike from the Central Strike Committee. These detail the carrying out of the strike and the interaction of pickets with strikebreakers, other unions, the police and Free State military. Much of the updates detail attempts by the pickets to prevent mail being c

Dublin (Ireland)--History | Postal service | Ireland--History--Civil War, 1922-1931

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Object 09. Central Strike Committee updatescover

While military harassment and threats were common during the strike, and detailled in reports from all local branches there were specific shooting incidents which generated extra documentation and specific complaints to the Free State Army. Comment is also made on the press cover

Dublin (Ireland)--History | Postal service | Ireland--History--Civil War, 1922-1932

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Object 10. Reports of shootingscover

After the strike was declared off the unions continued to correspond with the Post Office, chiefly about victimisation and the payment of increments. Spirits were still defiant, workers in Limerick demanded that their office be "cleaned and thoroughly disinfected, particularly

Dublin (Ireland)--History | Postal service | Ireland--History--Civil War, 1922-1933

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Object 11. The end of the strike and aftermathcover

Updates on the strike from the Telegraph Strike Committee. These include news of pickets, strike breakers, mass arrests, and harrassment by Free State military forces and the police.

Dublin (Ireland)--History | Postal service | Ireland--History--Civil War, 1922-1930

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Object 08. Telegraph Strike Committee updatescover

Handbills distributed by trade unionists before and during the strike. Often topical they refer to the Government's cost of living figures, to the arrest and shooting of pickets and make the case generally for the strike.

Dublin (Ireland)--History | Postal service | Ireland--History--Civil War, 1922-1928

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Object 06. Strike Handbillscover

Correspondance to and from the Government before and during the Strike. The first items contain the signature of P.S. O'Hegarty on the old colonial Post Office stationary, with 'On His Majesty's Service' being crossed out. J.J. Walsh, T.D. writes to the Rate Payers Association

Dublin (Ireland)--History | Postal service | Ireland--History--Civil War, 1922-1926

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Object 04. Correspondence with the governmentcover

The minute book of the National Executive of the Irish Trades Union Congress and Labour Party (from 1918 styled the Irish Labour Party and Trade Union Congress) for the period from February 17th 1917 to July 29th 1921 was kindly presented to the ILHS archive by Séamus Scally, for

Ireland -- History | General Strike, Limerick, Ireland, 1919 | Draft

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Object Irish Trades Union Congress and Labour Party Minute Bookcover

The circulars distributed kept members of the unions up to date on negotiations, informed them how to carry out the strike, and how to keep in touch with HQ. During the strike there was an emphasis on preventing people working to break the strike. A printed card containin

Dublin (Ireland)--History | Postal service | Ireland--History--Civil War, 1922-1927

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Object 05. Postal Union Circularscover

A letter from an unnamed Adjutant from the Anti-Treaty IRA (Northern and Eastern Command) to the Secretary of the Railway Clerks trade union, notifying them that “Owing to the use of railways by the Free State headquarters for the conveyance of troops and war materials and for

Ireland--History--Civil War, 1922-1923 | Labor unions | Sabotage

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Object Letter from the IRA to Railway Clerks Unioncover

Before and during the strike the Postal Unions appealed to the Labour Party and other Trade Unions for financial aid and general assistance. This often involved preventing post being carried through other means (private companies, railways etc) by disciplining members of other

Dublin (Ireland)--History | Postal service | Ireland--History--Civil War, 1922-1925

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Object 03. Appeals for aidcover

As 1922 progressed the threats of the government to cut wages were discussed in correspodance. The government also attempted to have state employees make the following declaration: "that they have given and will continue to give to the Government elected by the Irish people t

Dublin (Ireland)--History | Postal service | Ireland--History--Civil War, 1922-1924

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Object 02. Lead up to the strikecover