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Peter Stevenson and Jacob Whittaker are (respectively) a writer, illustrator and folklorist from Aberystwyth and a sound artist and filmmaker based in Cardigan. Their work combines

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David Begley is an artist, writer and arts educator, living and working on the Wexford coast. In creating The Wexford Whale David explored the history of Rosslare Harbour and ran a

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Peter Murphy is a writer, musician, actor and journalist from Wexford. His commission, We Have Always Been Your Harbour, is an audio-literary response to Dylan Thomas’s 1954 radio

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Rua Barron and Hannah Power are theatre makers who recently graduated in Drama and Theatre Studies at Trinity College Dublin. Their work for the project is an immersive audio walki

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Gillian Brownson is a writer, theatre maker and storyteller from Holyhead. Her work for the project has drawn on the histories of her home town to create dramatic monologues, poetr

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Augustine O’Donoghue is an artist based in Dublin who works across widely diverse media. Her commission is a series of sound artworks engaging with issues relating to wildlife and

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This collection contains a set of high quality stills extracted from a series of documentary films by Mother Goose Films. The images have been archived for the purpose of providing

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This archive contains a series of documentary films about five Celtic port towns in Wales and Ireland that are connected and intertwined by the ferry routes that serve them. To get

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This archive contains a series of documentary films about five Celtic port towns in Wales and Ireland that are connected and intertwined by the ferry routes that serve them. To get

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This archive contains a series of documentary films about five Celtic port towns in Wales and Ireland that are connected and intertwined by the ferry routes that serve them. To get

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This archive contains a series of documentary films about five Celtic port towns in Wales and Ireland that are connected and intertwined by the ferry routes that serve them. To get

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This archive contains a series of documentary films about five Celtic port towns in Wales and Ireland that are connected and intertwined by the ferry routes that serve them. To get

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