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The site was initially identified during earlier archaeological monitoring of topsoil stripping by Valerie J. Keeley Ltd as a possible small area containing burnt stone. However, no archaeological features or depostis were exposed and no finds were recovered during the excavation

archaeology | dating (measuring) | archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, 01E0042 Sarsfieldstown 2, County Meath.cover

The site was exposed at the northeastern edge of the proposed motorway in the townland of Sarsfieldstown within sight of the existing M1 motorway. A total of seven pits, one possible clay-lined trough, and a narrow curved trench feature were exposed beneath a thin burnt mound dep

archaeology | dating (measuring) | archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, 01E0041 Sarsfieldstown 1, County Meath.cover

A total of three pits and one stone deposit were exposed on site below the sod and topsoil. All three pits were filled with a dark brown clay and had been cut into the natural orange boulder clay. The stone deposit was exposed to the north of the site and consisted of an oval sha

archaeology | dating (measuring) | archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, 01E0037 Balloy 1, County Meath.cover

A total of two pits, two possible hearths and a modern field drain were exposed. However, no post/stake holes, slot trenches, or ditches were exposed to suggest that the possible hearths were associated with a possible structure or settlement and no slag or metal was recovered to

archaeology | dating (measuring) | archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, 01E0040 Claristown 3, County Meath.cover

The site was identified as a natural feature during earlier archaeological monitoring of topsoil stripping and this was confirmed during the archaeological excavation. It consisted of natural staining from decayed stone within an area measuring 0.47m in diameter. A modern field d

archaeology | dating (measuring) | archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, 01E0184 Kilsharvan 9, County Meath.cover

The site was exposed at the southern edge of the motorway corridor a short distance south of the site at Kilsharvan 18. No archaeological features or deposits were exposed or identified during the archaelogical monitoring or excavation. The only feature exposed on site was identi

archaeology | dating (measuring) | archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, 01E0194 Kilsharvan 19 Final Report, County Meath.cover

A single possible kiln was exposed at chainage 20085 during archaeological monitoring of topsoil stripping. The kiln was sub circular in shape and measured 1.32m in length, 0.8m in width and extended to a depth of 0.24m. It contained a sub rectangular V shaped annexe running east

archaeology | dating (measuring) | archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, 01E0177 Kilsharvan 2, County Meath.cover

A modern field drain and a single clay and charcoal deposit were exposed on site. The modern field drain ran northwest-southeast across the site and measured 0.29m in width. The clay and charcoal deposit was exposed 0.9m to the south of the modern field drain and consisted of an

archaeology | dating (measuring) | archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, 01E0187 Kilsharvan 12, County Meath.cover

An oval shaped enclosure was excavated in the townland of Kilsharvan measuring 32.8m in diameter. Over 65% of the enclosure was exposed within the proposed motorway corridor, the remainder lay between the motorway and the Crufty raod to the northeast. No entrance was exposed, but

archaeology | dating (measuring) | archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, 01E0191 Kilsharvan 16 Final Report, County Meath.cover

The site was identified during the archaeological monitoring as an area containing a possibly natural stone surface or cobbling, which was confirmed during the archaeological excavation. The natural stone cobbling measured 2.08m in length, 0.9m in width and consisted of a large n

archaeology | dating (measuring) | archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, 01E0189 Kilsharvan 14, County Meath.cover

One pit and two possible pits/ postholes were exposed. The sub oval shaped pit measured 0.6m in diameter to a depth of 0.18m and was filled with a mid grey- brown coloured sandy clay. The two possible pits/ postholes were exposed a short distance to the southeast of the oval pit.

archaeology | dating (measuring) | archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, 01E0193 Kilsharvan 18, County Meath.cover

A single shallow pit was exposed to the northeast of the possible settlement / ritual site at Kilsharvan 5. The pit was oval in plan and measured 0.98m in length, 0.67m in width and 0.06m in depth. It contained shallow sloped sides becoming more sharply sloped towards the west an

archaeology | dating (measuring) | archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report, 01E0179 Kilsharvan 4, County Meath.cover