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Trigger warning: Please be aware that these stories contain sensitive and potentially traumatic detail. Please check the subject terms before reading each story. This is a personal account from the In Her Shoes Facebook page where women shared their experiences of accessing abor

abortion | pregnancy | maternal health

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Object "It was the summer of 1996..."has no cover

Trigger warning: Please be aware that these stories contain sensitive and potentially traumatic detail. Please check the subject terms before reading each story. This is a personal account from the In Her Shoes Facebook page where women shared their experiences of accessing abor

abortion | pregnancy | maternal health

Object type is text   Text
Object "In 1996 I was 19 and ready to go to university..."has no cover

Trigger warning: Please be aware that these stories contain sensitive and potentially traumatic detail. Please check the subject terms before reading each story. This is a personal account from the In Her Shoes Facebook page where women shared their experiences of accessing abor

abortion | pregnancy | maternal health

Object type is text   Text
Object "It was 1994, I was 26 years old..."has no cover

Trigger warning: Please be aware that these stories contain sensitive and potentially traumatic detail. Please check the subject terms before reading each story. This is a personal account from the In Her Shoes Facebook page where women shared their experiences of accessing abor

abortion | pregnancy | maternal health

Object type is text   Text
Object "I had my abortion in 1986..."has no cover

Trigger warning: Please be aware that these stories contain sensitive and potentially traumatic detail. Please check the subject terms before reading each story. This is a personal account from the In Her Shoes Facebook page where women shared their experiences of accessing abor

abortion | pregnancy | maternal health

Object type is text   Text
Object "February 1997 and 'Don't Speak by No Doubt danced around the airwaves..."has no cover

Trigger warning: Please be aware that these stories contain sensitive and potentially traumatic detail. Please check the subject terms before reading each story. This is a personal account from the In Her Shoes Facebook page where women shared their experiences of accessing abor

abortion | pregnancy | maternal health

Object type is text   Text
Object "It was 1986, I was 16 and pregnant..."has no cover

Trigger warning: Please be aware that these stories contain sensitive and potentially traumatic detail. Please check the subject terms before reading each story. This is a personal account from the In Her Shoes Facebook page where women shared their experiences of accessing abor

abortion | pregnancy | maternal health

Object type is text   Text
Object "My story started in 1988   I was only 17years old..."has no cover

Trigger warning: Please be aware that these stories contain sensitive and potentially traumatic detail. Please check the subject terms before reading each story. This is a personal account from the In Her Shoes Facebook page where women shared their experiences of accessing abor

abortion | pregnancy | maternal health

Object type is text   Text
Object "In the mid-80's when I was in my late teens..."has no cover

Trigger warning: Please be aware that these stories contain sensitive and potentially traumatic detail. Please check the subject terms before reading each story. This is a personal account from the In Her Shoes Facebook page where women shared their experiences of accessing abor

abortion | pregnancy | maternal health

Object type is text   Text
Object "1992..."has no cover

Trigger warning: Please be aware that these stories contain sensitive and potentially traumatic detail. Please check the subject terms before reading each story. This is a personal account from the In Her Shoes Facebook page where women shared their experiences of accessing abor

abortion | pregnancy | maternal health

Object type is text   Text
Object "It was 1987 and I was a 20 year old student..."has no cover

Trigger warning: Please be aware that these stories contain sensitive and potentially traumatic detail. Please check the subject terms before reading each story. This is a personal account from the In Her Shoes Facebook page where women shared their experiences of accessing abor

abortion | pregnancy | maternal health

Object type is text   Text
Object "I had a baby outside marriage at 23..."has no cover

Trigger warning: Please be aware that these stories contain sensitive and potentially traumatic detail. Please check the subject terms before reading each story. This is a personal account from the In Her Shoes Facebook page where women shared their experiences of accessing abor

abortion | pregnancy | maternal health

Object type is text   Text
Object "In 1999 I was 21 years old, just finished university..."has no cover