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Black and white photograph of a large number of men assembled for what looks to be a retirement party for a Jacob's Biscuit Factory worker named Mr Hands. The male workers shown are dressed in their work clothes and are gathered before a large poster displayed on the back wall. S


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Object Retirement party of Jacob's worker S. Handshas no cover

Black and white photograph of the directors of Jacob's Biscuit Factory seated at a long table in a wood-panelled room. All are dressed in fine suits and are discussing the contents of a book or report of some kind.

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Object Directors of Jacob's Biscuit Factoryhas no cover

Black and white photograph of a male soccer team from Jacob's Biscuit Factory posing for a group photograph with other Jacob's workers who are dressed formally in suits. In the middle foreground of the image can be seen the trophy that has been won by the team along with a soccer


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Object Jacob's soccer team posing with a trophyhas no cover

Black and white photograph of female workers working at a chocolate enrobing machine within the Jacob's factory. A male supervisor is visible standing in the back left of the image.


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Object Women working at a chocolate enrobing machinehas no cover

Black and white photograph of three well-dressed male employees from Jacob's Biscuit Factory who are looking at a couple of small gift clocks given on the occasion of a worker's retirement. Featured in the photograph from left to right are: Joe Smurthwaite, Jack Cullen and [Franc


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Object Joe Smurthwaite presenting gifts of clocks to retired workershas no cover

Black and white photograph of three male workers from the Jacob's Biscuit Factory, possibly on the occasion of a retirement. The two elderly men on the left are dressed in white overcoats for their roles in the bakehouse and the man in the middle is also wearing a white baker's h


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Object Two male bakers from Jacob's Biscuit Factory with a member of managementhas no cover

Black and white photograph of a large group of male workers from Jacob's Biscuit Factory dressed in their work uniforms and smiling for a photograph marking their receipt of gifts from the business. These men were awarded with presents due to their long service and commitment to


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Object Male recipients of gifts from Jacob's Biscuit Factoryhas no cover

Black and white photograph of a large number of male employees from Jacob's Biscuit Factory assembled for a group photograph, perhaps to celebrate the retirement of one of their co-workers. All are dressed in their work clothes and are smiling for the photograph somewhere within


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Object Gathering of large group of male Jacob's factory workershas no cover

Black and white photograph of six male workers from Jacob's Biscuit Factory standing in a line outside of a building. Three are dressed in white baker's uniforms, two are wearing dark suits and one is wearing the dark uniform and hat like that of a Jacob's driver.

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Object A selection of male workers from Jacob's Biscuit Factoryhas no cover