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A guide for ARC Regional Groups created in early 2018, advising on ways to increase membership, mobilise volunteers, and fundraise in anticipation of the referendum to repeal the Eighth Amendment. Many of these regional groups became Together for Yes canvassing groups later in 20

Abortion | Pro-choice movement | Protest movements

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Object ARC Getting Ready for Yes - Regional Group Guidecover

Flyer issued by theAbortion rights Campaign in October 2018, emphasising the importance of maintaining the public call for free, safe and legal abortion care in the aftermath of the repeal of the Eighth Amendment.

Abortion | Pro-choice movement | Protest movements

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Object "Free Safe Legal" flyercover

ARC's official submission to the Irish Government on the proposed legislation to enable legal abortion access in Ireland following the repeal of the Eighth Amendment. Following the Yes vote in the referendum, the government and the Dáil worked to pass the Health (Regulation of Te

Abortion | Pro-choice movement | Protest movements

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Object ARC submission on the Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Billcover

Agenda for the 2018 EGM held by ARC on 10 February 2018. The meeting convened ARC members from around the country and discussed the likelihood of a referendum to repeal the Eighth Amendment that year. A talk summarising the likely options presented in such a referendum was given

Abortion | Pro-choice movement | Protest movements

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Object ARC Extraordinary General Meeting 2018 Agendacover

A letter addressed to the Government of Gibralter, in response to a Command Paper issued in September 2018, proposing a legislative amendment to permit abortion in limited cases. The British Overseas Territory of Gibralter did not adopt the 1967 UK Abortion Act and retained r

Abortion | Pro-choice movement | Protest movements

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Object ARC Response to Government of Gibralter Command Papercover

A submission to a review of Relationships and Sexuality Education in primary and post-primary schools in Ireland. The review was carried out by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment in 2018 and 2019, and a report produced at the end of 2019. The ARC submission recomm

Abortion | Pro-choice movement | Protest movements

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Object ARC Review of Ireland's RSE Programme: Consultation Responsecover

Flyer encouraging voters to contact their representatives and advocate for the broadest possible application of abortion access in the upcoming Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Act, which was still being debated when the flyer was produced. The Act was signed into

Abortion | Pro-choice movement | Protest movements

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Object "Talk to your TD" flyercover

A submission to the Irish Government, commenting on the General Scheme of the Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Bill, proposed by the Irish Government before the referendum to repeal the Eighth Amendment. The submission recommends that the legislation provide for wi

Abortion | Pro-choice movement | Protest movements

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Object ARC Submission on the Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Billcover

Leaflet with the heading "Who should decide whether to end or continue a pregnancy?" under which are two boxes, one saying "The constitution?" and "A woman in consultation with her doctor?". The second page describes the Eighth Amendment and its effects, and provides contact info

Abortion | Pro-choice movement | Protest movements

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Object "Who should decide whether to end or continue a pregnancy?" leafletcover