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In the ninth episode of How The Yes Was Won, the podcast discusses the day of the referendum on 25 May 2018. The Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Act is also discussed, and its shortcomings highlighted. Guests include Anne Connolly, Alison Spillane, Anita Byrne, Ca

Abortion | Pro-choice movement | Reproductive rights

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Object How the Yes was Won Episode Nine: No One Left Behindcover

In the eighth episode of How The Yes Was Won, the podcast explores formation of Together For Yes, the national campaign to organise for a Yes vote in the referendum to repeal the Eighth Amendment. The episode interviews activists involved in the campaign, from the head office to

Abortion | Pro-choice movement | Reproductive rights

Object type is audio Object type is text   Mixed Types
Object How the Yes was Won Episode Eight: Vote Yescover

In the seventh episode of How The Yes Was Won, the podcast covers the growing campaign to demand a referendum to repeal the Eighth Amendment from 2012 onwards, and some of the changes in Irish society that were happening around the same time. Guests include Sarah Monaghan, Anita

Abortion | Pro-choice movement | Reproductive rights

Object type is audio Object type is text   Mixed Types
Object How the Yes was Won Episode Seven: Repealcover

In the sixth episode of How The Yes Was Won, the podcast explores the death of Savita Halappanavar in October 2012 after being refused an abortion in University Hospital Galway, and other stories of medical crises caused by the Eighth Amendment, including the Ms Y and Ms P cases.

Abortion | Pro-choice movement | Reproductive rights

Object type is audio Object type is text   Mixed Types
Object How the Yes was Won Episode Six: Never Againcover