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Bronze hand-bell (w: 27.9 x h: 29.8x d: 20.3cm). Known by various names: the Bell of Armagh, Bell of Ballynaback/Ballinabeck (through confusion with another nearby graveyard) and Clog Ban/Beannighte 'blessed bell'. The inscription is arranged horizontally in three lines on the lo


Object type is image Object type is text   Mixed Types
Object Terryhoogan Inscribed Hand-bellcover

A black, clay ironstone nodule found inside the supposed tomb of Saint Breccán, approximately w: 0.76 x h: 0.76x d: 0.38cm, almost flat on the underside. A plain cross is carved on the upper side. The inscription is positioned on the stone in a single, circular line around the ed


Object type is image Object type is text   Mixed Types
Object Templebrecan 2: Carved Pebblecover

A silver (with gold, glass and amber) pseudo-penannular brooch consisting of a ring and a freely moving pin (h: (length of pin) 0.31cm) of Hiberno-Viking style (Whitfield and Okasha 1992, 55-60). The brooch belongs to a group of Irish brooches dated broadly to the ninth century,


Object type is image Object type is text   Mixed Types
Object Killamery 4. Inscribed Pseudo-penannular Broochcover