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Marriage Equality was a not for profit, single issue, national grassroots advocacy organisation active between 2008 and 2018. The goal of the organisation was to achieve equality f

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Derry Theatre Trust is a charitable company that was established in 1996. The company promotes the arts, culture, heritage, and science for the benefit of the public by the establi

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In 2010, Marriage Equality was given €250,000 for a project titled Core Support. With this funding the organisation was to improve equality of rights for the LGBT community by supp

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In 2011, Marriage Equality Ltd was given €120,000 for a project titled Campaign for Marriage Equality. With this funding the organisation was to inform the debate on equality and c

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In 2010, University College Dublin Foundation [UCD] was given €850,000 for a project titled National Discourse. With this funding the foundation was to enable an inclusive, partici

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In 1996, Derry Theatre Trust was given £3,000,000.00 for a project titled Capital Campaign. With this funding the organisation was to assemble the funding for a purpose-built theat

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In 2000, Derry Theatre Trust was given £300,000 for a project titled Mosaic Mural. With this funding the organisation was to commission Desmond Kinney, an artist from Northern Irel

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