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Peter O’Mahony was chief executive of Irish Refugee Council [IRC] from 1999-2004 at a key time in IRC’s development. Prior to this Peter worked abroad in education and development

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Nick Henderson was appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Irish Refugee Council in 2016. During his time in Ireland Nick has held several leading positions in organisations such

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In 2003, The Atlantic Philanthropies awarded €780,000 to the Irish Refugee Council [IRC]. The grant titled Core Costs was given to support the Irish Refugee Council implement its

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The Irish Refugee Council [IRC] works with and for refugees in Ireland. The IRC believes, in accordance with the 1951 Convention relating to the status of refugees, that every pers

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Nadette Foley was the director of the Irish Refugee Council from 1992 until 1998 and has worked with organisations such as the Multi-Cultural Resource Centre in Northern Ireland an

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