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Abstract: Watercolour medical illustration depicting gangrenous abscess of the liver. It has the alternative reference number 2031 and P4B on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is B.d.18. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 7 reads 'Gangrenous abscess of the liver. Dr

Gangrene | Tuberculosis

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Object Gangrenous abscess of the livercover

Abstract: Watercolour medical illustration depicting ulcer of the stomach. It has the alternative reference number 1624, 247 and P3A on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is B.b.30. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 13 reads 'Ulcer of the stomach, communication with

Stomach Ulcer

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Object Ulcer of the stomachcover

Abstract: Watercolour medical illustration depicting serous cysts between the lung and diaphragm. It has the alternative reference number 1978 and P2C on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is B.e.41. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 18 reads 'Serous cysts between t


Object type is image   Image
Object Serous cysts between the lung & diaphragmcover

Abstract: Watercolour medical illustration depicting aneurism of the aorta in a woman. It has the alternative reference number 1894 and P1A on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is C.e.19. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 27 reads 'Aneurism of the aorta, ascending

Aortic Aneurysm

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Object Aneurism of the aorta ascending into the neckcover

Abstract: Watercolour medical illustration depicting disease of the bladder and urethra. It has the alternative reference number 1161 and P6A on the front. There is no Richmond Hospital Museum. Includes stamp of Thomas Creswick papermakers in top right corner. The artist's name i

Urologic Diseases

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Object Disease of the bladder and urethracover