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The interviewee is in her 30s and comes from a rural area of Ireland. She was very active in organising various groups during her adolescence, and became prominent in mobilising people into ecology and social justice movements when she started college and afterwards. She started

Non-hierarchical | Anarchism | Abortion

Object type is audio Object type is text   Mixed Types
Object Repeal the Eighth and Reproductive Rights Interview with Clarecover

The interviewee is in her thirties and lives in Dublin. She grew up on a farm in the south of Ireland and spoke of her first political activity in terms of involvement in a peace and justice group in her school. As a university student in Dublin, she became politically active an

Non-hierarchical | Anarchism | Abortion

Object type is audio Object type is text   Mixed Types
Object Repeal the Eighth and Reproductive Rights Interview with Grainne Griffincover