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This is an audio and transcript of an interview with Evelyn Conlon about her experience as part of the women's movement in Ireland. Evelyn was an activist and member of Irishwomen United and the Contraception Action Programme. Evelyn discusses her involvement in the Rape Crisis C

Feminism | Social movements | political campaigns

Object type is text Object type is audio   Mixed Types
Object Interview with Evelyn Conloncover

This is an audio and transcript of an interview with Anne Speed about her experience as part of the women's movement in Ireland. Anne was an activist and member of Irishwomen United and the Contraception Action Programme. In this interview Anne discusses Northern Ireland, class,

Feminism | Social movements | political campaigns

Object type is text Object type is audio   Mixed Types
Object Interview with Anne Speedcover

This is an audio and transcript of an interview with Hilda Tweedy about her experience as part of the women's movement in Ireland. Hilda was an activist for women's rights and in consumer affairs. You can read here biography here: https://www.dib.ie/biography/tweedy-muriel-hilda-

Feminism | Social movements | political campaigns

Object type is text Object type is audio   Mixed Types
Object Interview with Hilda Tweedycover

This is an audio and transcript of an interview with Anne O'Connor her their experience as part of the women's movement in Ireland. The beginning of this audio, and therefore transcript, is missing. Anne was founder of the organisation AIM which lobbied for divorce and the right

Feminism | Social movements | political campaigns

Object type is text Object type is audio   Mixed Types
Object Interview with Anne O'Connorcover

This is an audio and transcript of an interview with Máirín De Burca about her experience as part of the women's movement in Ireland. Máirín is an IRish writer, journalist and activist. In this interview Máirín discusses the anti-apartheid movement, the branching off of the women

Feminism | Social movements | political campaigns

Object type is text Object type is audio   Mixed Types
Object Interview with Máirín De Burcacover

This is an audio and transcript of an interview with Dorothy (Doris) Molloy about her experience as part of the women's movement in Ireland. Dorris was a poet, journalist, artist and activist. In this interview Dorris discusses equal pay for equal work and equality in the workpla

Feminism | Social movements | political campaigns

Object type is text Object type is audio   Mixed Types
Object Interview with Doris Molloycover

This is an audio and transcript of an interview with May O'Brien about her experience as part of the women's movement in Ireland. May is a trade union activist and human rights activist. May talks about growing up in a working class family. She discusses the Congress of Trade Uni

Feminism | Social movements | political campaigns

Object type is text Object type is audio   Mixed Types
Object Interview with May O'Briencover

This is an audio and transcript of an interview with Kathleen Maher about her experience as part of the women's movement in Ireland. Kathleen discusses community development and advocacy for the working class. She talks about class as an issue within the feminist movement in Dubl

Feminism | Social movements | political campaigns

Object type is text Object type is audio   Mixed Types
Object Interview with Kathleen Mahercover

This is an audio and transcript of an interview with Róisín Conroy about her experience as part of the women's movement in Ireland. Róisín was an activist, publisher and founder of Attic Press. In this interview Róisín recalls her experience in the trade union labour movement. Sh

Feminism | Social movements | political campaigns

Object type is text Object type is audio   Mixed Types
Object Interview with Róisín Conroycover

This is an audio and transcript of an interview with Eileen Proctor about her experience as part of the women's movement in Ireland. Eileen was founder of the National Association for Widows in Ireland. In this interview Eileen discusses community activism, social class, educatio

Feminism | Social movements | political campaigns

Object type is text Object type is audio   Mixed Types
Object Interview with Eileen Proctorcover

This is an audio and transcript of an interview with Sian Muldowney about their experience of pro-choice activism in Ireland. Sian talks about how she became invovlved in pro-choice activism. She discusses the X Case, Dublin Information Abortion Group, her involvement in Trinity

Abortion | Reproductive rights | Feminism

Object type is text Object type is audio   Mixed Types
Object Interview with Sian Muldowneycover

This is an audio and transcript of an interview with Glenys Spray about their experience of pro-choice activism in Ireland. Glenys discusses her experience of activism in Cork and her work as a journalist on women's issues. When Glenys moved to Cork Glenys co-organised a women's

Abortion | Referendum | Constitutional law--Ireland

Object type is text Object type is audio   Mixed Types
Object Interview with Glenys Spraycover