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A seal impression in wax showing, on one side, the martyrdom of St Thomas Becket and on the other, the Virgin and Child (statue) in a shrine with open doors.

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Object Seal Impression (Thomas Becket)cover

A Limoges plaque in bronze from the back of a Gospel book. It depicts the crucifixion with figures on either side of the cross, probably Mary and St John, and angels above. The letters IHS and XPS are inscribed over the head. This plaque has at some time suffered in a fire so tha

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Object Limoges bronze plaque from Gospel bookcover

A seal matrix in bronze gilt, pointed oval in shape. The front has the image of a standing bishop with three fleur-de-lis on each side and a crown beneath. There is an inscription around the edge which reads: S LUDOVICUS REX FRANCIE ORO MINORUM. The back is shaped in the form of

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Object Bronze seal matrix, standing Bishopcover