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Abstract: Watercolour medical illustration depicting fibrous tumour of uterus. It has the alternative reference number 1581 and P6B on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is A.c.13. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 9 reads 'Fibrous tumour of the uterus. Julia McConn

Uterine Neoplasms

Object type is image   Image
Object Fibrous tumour of uteruscover

Abstract: Watercolour medical illustration depicting tumour in left thigh of a man. It has the alternative reference number 2076 and P10 on the front. There is no Richmond Hospital Museum reference. The handwritten note on the back reads 'Mr Fleming case. Patrick Howin 48 – Pedun

Neoplasms | Perineum

Object type is image   Image
Object Pedunculated adipocellular tumourcover

Abstract: Four watercolour medical illustrations depicting the spine. It has the alternative reference number 1447 and P19C on the front. There is no Richmond Hospital Museum reference. The artist's name is in the bottom right corner 'J. Connolly fec.t' and in the bottom left 'Ca

Spine | Knee Joint

Object type is image   Image
Object The spinecover

Abstract: Watercolour medical illustration depicting osseous cyst of the lower jaw. It has the alternative reference number 1351 and P3A on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is C.a.46. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 20 reads 'Osseous cyst of the lower jaw (2 dra

Jaw Cysts | Femur

Object type is image   Image
Object Osseous cyst of the lower jawcover

Abstract: Watercolour medical illustration depicting osseous cyst of the lower jaw in a man. It has the alternative reference number 1398 and P10 on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is C.a.46. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 20 reads 'Osseous cyst of the lower j

Jaw Cysts | Bone Cysts

Object type is image   Image
Object Osseous cyst of the lower jawcover

Abstract: Watercolour medical illustration depicting sacculated condition of the bladder. It has the alternative reference number 1676 and P6A on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is A.b.3. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 6 reads 'Sacculated condition of the blad

Urinary Bladder Diseases

Object type is image   Image
Object Sacculated bladdercover

Abstract: Watercolour medical illustration depicting chronic laryngitis. It has the alternative reference number 1990 and P2B on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is B.e.27. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 17 reads 'Chronic laryngitis. Tracheotomy. Charles Fannin


Object type is image   Image
Object Chronic laryngitiscover

Abstract: Watercolour medical illustration depicting chronic orchitis in a baby. It has the alternative reference numbers 1157 and P5 on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is A.a.22. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 3 reads 'Chronic orchitis. James Kirwan aet 20 mo


Object type is image   Image
Object Chronic orchitiscover

Abstract: Watercolour medical illustration depicting enlarged prostate gland. It has the alternative reference number 1220 and P6A on the front. There is no Richmond Hospital Museum reference. Includes stamp of Bristol Boards papermakers in top right corner. The artist's name is

Orchitis | Prostatic Hyperplasia

Object type is image   Image
Object Enlarged prostate glandcover

Abstract: Watercolour medical illustration depicting diseases of the liver and spleen. It has the alternative reference number 1114 and P2B on the front. There is no Richmond Hospital Museum reference. The artist's name is in the bottom right corner 'J. Connolly fec.t' and 'Case

Liver Diseases

Object type is image   Image
Object Diseases of the liver and spleencover

Abstract: Watercolour medical illustration depicting a tumour[?] in a baby. It has the alternative reference number 1792 and P11 on the front. There is no Richmond Hospital Museum reference. Includes stamp of Turnbull London papermakers in top right corner. The artist's name is i


Object type is image   Image
Object A tumourcover