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Abstract: Two watercolour medical illustrations that are attached together by a cardboard hinge, both depicting an aneurism. The first has the alternative reference number 1181 and 20c on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is C.e.13. The entry for this in P263/1 pg

Aneurysm | Arteries

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Object Aneurism of the Arteria Innominatacover

Abstract: Watercolour medical illustration depicting an aneurism. It has the alternative reference number 1266, P1A and 210 on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is C.e.18. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 27 reads 'Aneurism of the Arteria Innominata. Paul Cassidy


Object type is image   Image
Object Aneurism of the arteria innominatacover

Abstract: Watercolour medical illustration depicting an aneurism in a man. It has the alternative reference number 1097, P1A and 20a on the front. The Richmond Hospital Museum reference is C.e.13. The entry for this in P263/1 pg. 27 reads 'Aneurism of the Arteria Innominata. Mart

Aneurysm | Phlebitis

Object type is image   Image
Object Aneurism of the arteria innominatacover