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An altar cross in bronze with a crucifix figure in relief and three engraved heads, one over the head of Christ and one on the end of each arm. The back is also engraved with a cross and human and animal heads. The letters I.H.S. MA ZA are engraved on the front of the cross and t

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Object Altar Cross with crucified Christcover

A manuscript in vellum from a book of Pericopes. The scene shows Christ crucified, a chalice filling with blood below his feet. Standing beneath the cross on the right of Christ is Ecclesia carrying a standard and torch. Beside her stands the Virgin Mary in a blue cloak. On the l

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Object Manuscript leaf from a book of Pericopescover

A copper alloy corpus with the eyes open and the head leaning slightly to the right. The feet are side by side, resting on a suppedaneum (a support for feet on a cross). The loin-cloth is long and symmetrically arranged with a descending flap on each side covering a straight hori

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Object Bronze corpus with Roman and Arabic numeralscover