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Colour design with Saint Patrick holding crozier and shamrock, with cruciform design behind the saint, his bell and its shrine either side of his feet. Materials: Pencil, watercolour and gouache on thick card adhered to mount board. Measurements: Design: h268 x w86mm; mount bo

Christian saints | Drawings, Irish | Staff, Pastoral

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Object Saint Patrickhas no cover

Colour design for a single light stained glass window. Signatures/ Inscriptions: Signature of Terry Clarke on bottom right hand side of design; Inscriptions: ‘San Bonabhentúra’; ‘St. Bonaventure’; bottom right hand side: ‘Clarke Studios Dublin’; bottom left hand side: ‘Scale 1”

Drawings, Irish | paper (fibre product) | watercolour (paint)

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Object San Bonabhentúra: St. Bonaventure holding gospel bookhas no cover

Colour design for a single light stained glass window. Signatures/ Inscriptions: Signature of Terry Clarke on bottom right hand side of design; Inscriptions: ‘Croidhe Mhuire gan Smál’; ‘Immaculate Heart of Mary’; ‘Ventilator in this window’; bottom right hand side: ‘Clarke Stud

Drawings, Irish | Colour design | watercolour (paint)

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Object Croidhe Mhuire gan Smál: Immaculate Heart of Maryhas no cover

Tinted pencil design for a window depicting the Miracle of the Bleeding Woman. Measurements: Pass-partout mount: h270 x w48mm; designs: h432 x w245. Materials: Pencil and watercolour on off white coloured paper, with pass-partout mount. Annotations: Top left “No 1, Sacred Hea

Jesus Christ--Miracles. | Drawings, Irish | watercolour (paint)

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Object Christ healing the bleeding womanhas no cover

Colour scheme for stained glass window depicting the Miracle of the Bleeding Woman. Measurements: Passe-partout mount: h432 x w245 mm; designs: h268 x w49 mm. Materials: Pencil, watercolour and gouache on buff coloured tracing paper. Inscriptions: Top left: ‘Colour Scheme No.

Jesus Christ--Miracles. | Drawings, Irish | watercolour (paint)

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Object Christ healing the bleeding womanhas no cover

Colour design for unknown stained glass window featuring angels on the side panels with God the Father at the top, with central section cut out and removed. Materials: Pencil, pen and ink, gouache and watercolour on heavy card. Measurements: h425 x w270mm.

Angels | Drawings, Irish | God

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Object Side panels of angels with God the Father in roundel at the tophas no cover

Watercolour design for single light stained glass window for unidentified church, featuring Jesus walking on the water. Base: Apostle with book and quill. Signatures/ Inscriptions: Bottom, in brown ink: J. Clarke, 33 Nth.Frederick St., Dublin. Materials: Pencil, pen and ink and

Drawings, Irish | Apostles | Books

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Object Jesus walks on the waterhas no cover