Original KDW record number: KMB/2083 KDW record sheet: yes Photographer(s) identified as: Clive Barda A plaque on the base of this mask-shaped trophy has the text "Aer Lingus Debat
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number: KMB/2083 KDW record sheet: yes Photographer(s) identified as: Clive Barda A plaque on the base of this mask-shaped trophy has the text "Aer Lingus Debat
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number:KMA/2339 KDW Record sheet: Yes Photographer(s) identified as:Mark Fiennes (from back of print) view of plain bangle
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number: 55/KTP/2096 KDW record sheet: no Photographer(s) identified as: Martin Chaffer (from tranparency) This image shows a bedroom and made up bed with the be
Depositing Organisation not Set
Order information, designs, correspondence and other documentation related to stained glass windows for St. Malachy’s College in Belfast
The Library of Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin
Original KDW record number: KG/22/2083 KDW record sheet: no Photographer(s) identified as: Gerry Deegan Client identified as: Birr Fabrics Ltd Logo designed for Birr Fabrics, Co Of
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number: KMB/2089 KDW record sheet: yes Views of an oval-shaped bowl with a lid.
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number: KMB/2084 KDW record sheet: yes View of nut bowl with a wooden handle.
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number:KMA/2279 KDW Record sheet: Yes Photographer(s) identified as: Mark Fiennes (from back of print) two views of silver bracelet with gold circle
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number:KMA/2315 KDW Record sheet: Yes two views of bracelet/bangle
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number: 33/KM/C/2061 KDW Record sheet: Yes Client identified as: KDW Image shows a white gold brooch set according to the record sheet with 'casine stone'.
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number:KMA/2272 KDW Record sheet: Yes view of rectangular brooch with amethyst stone set in the centre
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number:KMA/2262 KDW Record sheet: Yes view of brooch with pearl
Depositing Organisation not Set