Original KDW record number: KMB/2247 KDW record sheet: yes Photographer(s) identified as: Catherina Dwan The record sheet describes the object pictured being an agate lidded box.
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number: KMB/2247 KDW record sheet: yes Photographer(s) identified as: Catherina Dwan The record sheet describes the object pictured being an agate lidded box.
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number: 44/146 KDW record sheet: no Photographer(s) identified as: Client identified as: Richard Keenan (from images) Addis and Marchant (1985, p. 92) identify
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number: 44/152 KDW record sheet: no Client identified as: Anti Skid Controls Limited (from images) Addis and Marchant (1985, p.106) describe this device, design
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number:KMA/2519 KDW Record sheet: Yes Photographer(s) identified as: John-David Biggs two views of silver twisted bangle,also with model wearing bangle bangle-p
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number:KMA/2516 KDW Record sheet: Yes Photographer(s) identified as: John-David Biggs view of plain round silver bangles
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number:KMA/2528 KDW Record sheet: Yes view of two hollow bangles, also model pictured wearing the bangles.
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number: 44/108 KDW record sheet: no This item seems to closely ressemble item IE/NIVAL/KDW/ID/83 identifed as a "barring unit". A sticker on the original packin
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number: 44/122 KDW record sheet: no The images in this file show bathroom scales in a variety of colours and finishes. The materials used on the upper surface o
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number: 44/115 KDW record sheet: no This documentation shows a bent wood and fabric upholstered chair in a number of styles and colours. A version with a swivel
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number: KG/22/101 KDW record sheets:yes Client identified as: HS. Appletree Press, In Praise of Poteen Slides show cover and inner spread from a book entitled '
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number: KG/22/118 KDW record sheet: yes Client identified as: Mr. Curran - Barberstown Castle Slide shows booklet/leaflet for 'Irish Country Homes and Restauran
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number: KG/22/124 KDW record sheet: yes Photographer(s) identified as: Cathrina Dwan Client identified as: Central Bank Files show booklet design for the Centra
Depositing Organisation not Set