Original KDW record number: KMB/2300 KDW record sheet: no Silver plaque with the inscription - Sunday Independent Arts Award, Architecture, City Architects Department, Cork Corpora
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number: KMB/2300 KDW record sheet: no Silver plaque with the inscription - Sunday Independent Arts Award, Architecture, City Architects Department, Cork Corpora
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number: KG/107/065 KDW record sheet: no Description: Three ceramic ashtrays pictured alongside three napkins.
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number: KG/107/064 KDW record sheet: no Description: A collection of wicker baskets.
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number: KMB/2321 KDW record sheet: no Image of a silver dish.
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number: KMB/2316 KDW record sheet: no Images show a silver lidded bowl.
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number: KMB/2315 KDW record sheet: no IMages of two handwrought silver bowls, one containing a yellow rose.
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number: KMB/2323 KDW record sheet: no Image shows a seven piece conjoined candleholder
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number: Kg/107/063 KDW record sheet: no Maker identified as: Geoffrey Healy, Mill Pottery, Irish Woodcraft. Description: Images of ceramic cookware, wooden plat
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number: KG/107/060 KDW record sheet: no Description: Various ceramic items including a teapot and bowls.
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number:KMB/2313 KDW record sheet: no Chain of office with the inscription in Irish - Institute of Food Science and Technology of Ireland
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number: 44/277 KDW record sheet: yes Client identified as: KDW The record sheet states that this item is a "Conference chair (without arms)". The slide descript
Depositing Organisation not Set
Original KDW record number: KMB/2309 KDW record sheet: no Images of a chalice with precious stones inset.
Depositing Organisation not Set