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This site was originally identified during archaeological monitoring of a linear test trench which was excavated along the length of the N8 Glanmire – Watergrasshill Road Scheme in order to assess the archaeological potential of the development site and in an effort to

archaeology | dating (measuring) | Archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report,  01E0806 Meenane AR24,  County Cork.cover

AR 23 was a possible fulacht fiadh, the remains of which comprised a trough. The trough contained fills of charcoal rich material and heat-shattered stone. At the base of the trough numerous stake holes were revealed which may have been used to hold a lining in place within the

archaeology | dating (measuring) | Archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report,  01E0691 Meenane AR23,  County Cork.cover

This site was originally thought to be a levelled fulacht fiadh. After excavation the site proved to be a series of stone dumps of a modern agricultural nature truncated by later land drains. The dark spread covering the site was originally thought to be the remains of fulacht fi

archaeology | dating (measuring) | Archaeological excavation report

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Object Archaeological excavation report,  01E0690 Meenane AR20,  County Cork.cover