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A six-page rationale produced by The Atlantic Philanthropies' staff detailing grantee project G-14181 titled Strategy for Achieving Human Rights. Headings include: Programme objective and project context, intended outcomes, activities, planned outputs, evidence base evaluation an

Curated collection--Grant documentation | Atlantic Philanthropies (Organization) | Disability Action Northern Ireland

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Object Grant recommendation rationale for grantee application G-14181 by Disability Action Northern Ireland [DANI]cover

The three-page long document in the layout of a form was produced by staff of The Atlantic Philanthropies. It summarises the application request for the grantee project G-14181 titled Strategy for Achieving Human Rights by describing the purpose and details of the grant as well a

Curated collection--Grant documentation | Atlantic Philanthropies (Organization) | Disability Action Northern Ireland

Object type is text   Text
Object Grant recommendation summary for grantee application G-14181 by Disability Action Northern Ireland [DANI]cover

A one-page long document in landscape format containing a table that charts inputs, activities, outputs, short term outcome, medium term outcome and long term outputs. The document is produced by The Atlantic Philanthropies' staff to detail grantee project G-14181 that seeks to e

Curated collection--Grant documentation | Atlantic Philanthropies (Organization) | Disability Action Northern Ireland

Object type is text   Text
Object Logic model for grantee application G-14181 by Disability Action Northern Ireland [DANI]cover